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Сорокин Алексей Николаевич1
1.1Омский государственный университет им. Ф.М. Достоевского(Омск);
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Аннотация. Восточная политика В. Брандта исследуется как реализация долго формировавшейся и эволюционировавшей концепции, имевшей огромное и многогранное значение для отношений ФРГ с СССР и странами Восточной Европы. В основе «новой восточной политики» В. Брандта лежало стремление преодолеть негативные последствия итогов Второй мировой войны при учёте интересов СССР и государств восточного блока, что, в свою очередь, должно было способствовать решению германского вопроса. Реализация восточной политики состояла, прежде всего, в заключении ряда восточных договоров, из которых важнейшим был Московский договор 1970 г., открывший новый период отношений и заложивший основы конструктивного сотрудничества между странами. Успешными итогами восточной политики стало возвращение Германии в восточноевропейский регион в качестве ключевого партнёра и прогресс в решении германского вопроса.
Ключевые слова
«новая восточная политика», Вилли Брандт, Леонид Брежнев, разрядка, Московский договор

1. Филитов А. М. Трудный путь к Московскому договору между СССР и ФРГ // История. – 2020. – Т. 11, № 7 (93) . – DOI: 10.18254/S207987840011931-3. – URL: https://history.jes.su/s207987840011931-3-1 (да- та обращения: 17.05.2024). 2. Филитов А. М. Московский договор СССР – ФРГ: от подписания до ратификации (12 августа 1970 – 3 июня 1972 года) // Новая и Новейшая история. – 2020. – № 4. – С. 98–110. – DOI: 10.31857/ S013038640010327-7. 3. Келлер А. В. «Мужская дружба»? Вилли Брандт и Леонид Брежнев в контексте энергетического диа- лога между ФРГ и СССР в 1970–1973 гг. // The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review. – 2017. – Vol. 44, iss. 2. – P. 99–132. – DOI: 10.1163/18763324-04301006.

Сведения о финансировании и благодарности
Sorokin Alexey N1
1.1Dostoevsky Omsk State University(Omsk);
Abstract. The article represents an attempt to comprehensive study of Willy Brandt’s eastern policy on the planning and implementation stages, as well as its main results. Such aspects as the conceptual foundations of Brandt’s eastern policy, his image of the Soviet Union, the multilevel influence of the Moscow Treaty on the development of bilateral relations, including economic ones, are insufficiently studied not only by Russian, but also by world science. Moreover, the emphasis is made on personal sources among published once: presentations, public speaking, articles, and memoirs of Willie Brandt. For the first time, sources on the formation of the conceptual foundations of the “new eastern policy” from the archive of Willy Brandt and sources on economic interaction between the FRG and the USSR from the Russian archives are introduced into scientific circles. The logic of the article lies in a consistent research of the eastern policy of the Federal Chancellor Brandt, starting with the inception and evolution of his foreign policy views as a publicist and municipal politician and ending with the implementation of the formed concept as Federal Chancellor and its results. At the same time, the main research emphasis is shifted towards studying the personal contribution of the Chancellor, towards studying the eastern policy of the FRG as the implementation of a long-formed and evolving concept that was of great and multifaceted importance for the relations of the FRG with the USSR and the countries of Eastern Europe. Brandt's “new eastern policy” was based on the desire to overcome the negative consequences of the Second World War, taking into account the interests of the USSR and the countries of the Eastern bloc, which, in turn, should have contributed to the solution of the German question. The implementation of the Eastern policy consisted, first of all, in the conclusion of a number of Eastern treaties, of which the most important was the Moscow Treaty of 1970, which opened a new period of relations and laid the foundations for constructive cooperation between the countries. The successful outcome of Eastern policy was the return of Germany to the Eastern European region as a key partner and progress in resolving the German issue.
«new eastern policy», Willy Brandt, Leonid Brezhnev, detente, Moscow Treaty

1. Filitov А.М. Trudnyi put’ k Moskovskomu dogovoru mezhdu SSSR i FRG [The Difficult Route to the Treaty of Moscow between the Soviet Union and the West Germany]. Istoriya [History], 2020, vol. 11, no. 7 (93). DOI: 10.18254/S207987840011931-3, available at: https://history.jes.su/s207987840011931-3-1 (accessed: 17.05.2021). (in Russian). 2. Filitov А.М. Moskovskii dogovor SSSR – FRG: ot podpisaniya do ratifikatsii (12 avgusta 1970 – 3 iyunya 1972 goda) [The Moscow Treaty between the USSR and the FRG: from the Signing to the Ratification (August 12, 1970 – June 3, 1972)]. Novaya i Noveishaya istoriya [New and Recent history], 2020, no. 4, pp. 98-110. DOI: 10.31857/S013038640010327-7. (in Russian)

Сведения об авторах
Сорокин Алексей Николаевич
1.1. кандидат исторических наук, доцентОмский государственный университет им. Ф.М. Достоевского
Адрес для корреспонденции: 644077, Омск, Мира, 55-а
About the authors
Sorokin Alexey N
1.1. PhD in Historical Sciences, DocentDostoevsky Omsk State University
Postal address: 644077, Omsk, 55a, Mira pr.
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