Магулов Манас Бадыханович1 | |
1.1Государственный военно-исторический музей Вооружённых сил Республики Казахстан | |
Дата поступления 2024.05.05 | Аннотация. 12 декабря 1979 г. было принято решение о вводе советских войск в Афганистан. Расчёт на то, что с вводом войск ситуация стабилизируется, не оправдался. Советские части и подразделения всё больше втягивались в гражданскую войну. Боевые действия развернулись на всей территории Афганистана. В составе советских войск воевали и представители Казахстана. Об их участии в войне повествуется в данной статье |
Ключевые слова Советский Союз, Афганистан, оппозиция, моджахед, политика, переговоры, революция, примирение | |
Библиография 1. Морозов А. Кабульский резидент // Новое время. – 1991. – № 41. – С. 28–31. 2. Корниенко Г. М. Как принималось решение о вводе советских войск в Афганистан и их выводе // Но- вая и Новейшая история. – 1993. – № 3. – С. 107. 3. Военная история : учеб. для высших военно-учебных заведений Министерства обороны Российской Федерации. – М. : Воениздат, 2006. – 469 с. 4. Квачков В. В. Спецназ России. – М. : Военная литература, 2004. – 125 с. 5. Барт А. И., Соловьев А. В., Таран О. В. О павших в Афганистане. Книга памяти. – Алматы : Рауан, 1999. – Т. 2. – 272 с. | |
Сведения о финансировании и благодарности |
Magulov Manas B. 1 | |
1.1State Military Historical Museum of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan | |
Received 2024.05.05 | Abstract. arms race, then supported many destructive regimes in Africa or Latin America. One of them was the introduction of Soviet troops into Afghanistan at the end of 1979. A pretext for introducing a limited contingent of Soviet troops was the frequently changing policy of the ruling circles of this neighboring country. The Soviet leadership took this decision without taking into account two main factors: first – the desire of the Afghan people, and not the ruling circles of the country, and second – the combat training of the Soviet troops themselves, who had no large-scale combat experience since the Great Patriotic War in 1945. All these factors had a strong impact on the image of the Soviet Union in the international arena, including the boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics by the United States and other capitalist countries. In December of 1979, 40th Army, 4 divisions, 5 independent brigades, 4 aviation regiments, 3 helicopter regiments and various combat support and service units were brought in. In total over 80,000 troops were inserted. The entry of armed forces into Afghanistan did not lead to a reduction of the armed resistance of the opposition, as expected, but on the contrary, it began to grow from spring 1980. Thus the Soviet troops became involved in the internal military conflict. The first years of Soviet military presence in Afghanistan revealed a low level of individual training of soldiers, sergeants, and officers. Later, as the military gained practical experience, the ISAF created a well-organized and multilevel system of additional training for officers and soldiers who arrived in Afghanistan. But the attitude of the local population sharply worsened. As General Gromov, the last Commander of the Kosovo Security Forces, characterized the situation of the Soviet troops during their withdrawal in 1989, “If we were welcomed by almost 90% of Afghans when we arrived in Afghanistan, then 100% of Afghans fought against us during the withdrawal...” That is how adventurist attitude of the Soviet leadership led to this “unnecessary war”. As for the military contingent from Kazakhstan or Central Asian military district, their number was 21,979 people, of whom 761 were killed, 21 people were missing. My own nephew (of the author of these lines) – paratrooper private Aslan Magulov perished in Afghanistan in September 1987. Soldiers, officers and generals from Kazakhstan who fought in Afghanistan in the Confined Contingent showed real courage, valor, heroism, and camaraderie without betraying their duty and oath and military brotherhood. The command of the Limited contingent of the Soviet armies in the DRA is the proof of the appreciation of the military labor and feats of thousands of Kazakhs who were awarded orders and medals. Today they are taken as an example by the current defenders of the Fatherland and the younger generation. |
Keywords Soviet Union, Afghanistan, opposition, mujahideen, politics, negotiations, revolution, reconciliation | |
References 2. Kornienko G.M. How was the decision made to lead Soviet troops to Afghanistan and their withdrawal. New and Recent history, 1993, no. 3, pp. 107. (in Russian). 3. Military History, textbook for the Higher Military Educational Institutions of the Defense Ministry of Russian Federation, Moscow, Voenizdat Publ., 2006, 469 p. (in Russian). 4. Kvachkov V.V. Special Forces of Russia, Moscow, Military literature Publ., 2004, 125 p. (in Russian). 5. Bart A.I., Solov’ev A.V., Taran O.V. About the fallen in Afghanistan. Book of Memory, Almaty, Rauan Publ., 1999, vol. 2, 272 p. (in Russian). | |
Acknowledgements |
Сведения об авторах Магулов Манас Бадыханович 1.1 |
About the authors Magulov Manas B. 1.1 |