Демьянов Кирилл Владимирович1, Рыженко Валентина Георгиевна2 | |
1.1Омский государственный университет им. Ф.М. Достоевского | |
Дата поступления 2024.10.07 | Аннотация. Рассматривается история взаимоотношений В. И. Шункова и С. В. Бахрушина в контексте науковедческой дихотомии ученик – учитель. Исследование базируется на изучении публикаций, выступлений, неизданных архивных документов личного происхождения и документов научных организаций. Авторами предлагается вывод о нетипичной для советской исторической науки модели взаимоотношений ученика и учителя в случае В. И. Шункова и С. В. Бахрушина. |
Ключевые слова В. И. Шунков, С. В. Бахрушин, история исторической науки, историография, советская историческая наука, история Сибири | |
Библиография 1. Вилков О. Н. Концепции С. В. Бахрушина и В. И. Шункова о характере первоначального периода за- селения и освоения Сибири русскими в конце XVI – начале XVIII в. в оценке советской историогра- фии последних лет // Демографическое развитие Сибири периода феодализма. – Новосибирск : ИЭОПП СО РАН, 1991. – С. 65–85. 2. Решетникова С. В. Основные проблемы источниковедения сибирской истории в творчестве С. В. Бахрушина : дис. … канд. ист. наук. – Тюмень, 2010. – 185 с. 3. Тихонов В. В. Московская историческая школа в первой половине XX века: научное творчество Ю. В. Готье, С. Б. Веселовского, А. И. Яковлева и С. В. Бахрушина. – М. ; СПб. : Нестор-история, 2012. – 320 с. 4. Дубровский А. М. С. В. Бахрушин и его время. – М. : Изд-во Рос. ун-та дружбы нар., 1992. – 165 с. | |
Сведения о финансировании и благодарности |
Demyanov Kirill V. 1, Ryzhenko Valentina G. 2 | |
1.1Dostoevsky Omsk State University | |
Received 2024.10.07 | Abstract. The problem of the relationship between teacher and student in historical science has been repeatedly considered in historiographical research as an independent topic, as well as in the context of studying the problems of scientific schools. The plot from V.I. Shunkov’s biography, dedicated to the relationship with the scientific supervisor S.V. Bakhrushin, was previously considered in historical research in the refraction of the collision of scientific concepts under a different vision. In this paper, we have attempted to study the history of the relationship between S.V. Bakhrushin and V.I. Shunkov in the context of the history of V.I. Shunkov’s life and work, offering an unusual view from the side of the student, not the teacher. The source base was formed on the basis of unpublished documents containing the texts of V.I. Shunkov’s speeches, S.V. Bakhrushin’s reviews of V.I. Shunkov’s works, unpublished memoirs of V.I. Shunkov’s wife T.M. Shunkova, as well as published articles and texts by V.I. Shunkov in collective publications that somehow affect S.V. Bakhrushin. Summarizing the consideration of the history of the relationship between S.V. Bakhrushin and V.I. Shunkov, we note the following. Firstly, the role of S.V. Bakhrushin in the scientific formation of V.I. Shunkov was significant, but it was not decisive for the latter, and was limited to rare consultations, and also did not take the forms characteristic of the model of such relationships in a scientific school. Secondly, between S.V. Bakhrushin and V.I. Shunkov developed an extremely atypical type of teacherstudent relationship for Soviet historical science in the form of an ideological clash and divergence in scientific positions while maintaining respectful and trusting personal relationships. Thirdly, the period after the death of S.V. Bakhrushin turned out to be the most intense from the point of view of the clash of positions of scientists, when V.I. Shunkov tried to revise the established positions formed by the late teacher concerning the history of Russian colonization and the economic development of Siberia in the 17th century, as well as, de facto, to take the vacant place of the leading historian-sibireved in Soviet historical science. The key difference between historians was in the interpretation of the leading and progressive character of the colonization of Siberia by the Russian population |
Keywords V.I. Shunkov, S.V. Bakhrushin, history of historical science, historiography, Soviet historical science, history of Siberia | |
References 1. Vilkov O.N. Kontseptsii S.V. Bakhrushina i V.I. Shunkova o kharaktere pervonachal'nogo perioda zaseleniya i osvoeniya Sibiri russkimi v kontse XVI – nachale XVIII v. v otsenke sovetskoy istoriografii poslednikh let [The Concepts of S.V. Bakhrushin and V.I. Shunkov on the Nature of the Early Period of Russian Settlement and Development of Siberia in the Late 16th – Early 18th Century in the Assessment of Soviet Historiography of Recent Years]. Demograficheskoe razvitie Sibiri perioda feodalizma [Demographic Development of Siberia During Feudalism], Novosibirsk, IEOPP SO RAN Publ., 1991, pp. 65-85. (in Russian). 2. Reshetnikova S.V. Osnovnye problemy istochnikovedeniya sibirskoy istorii v tvorchestve S.V. Bakhrushina [Main Problems of Source Studies of Siberian History in the Works of S.V. Bakhrushin], Candidate of Historical Sciences dissertation, Tyumen, 2010, 185 p. (in Russian). 3. Tikhonov V.V. Moskovskaya istoricheskaya shkola v pervoy polovine XX veka: nauchnoe tvorchestvo Yu.V. Got'e, S.B. Veselovskogo, A.I. Yakovleva i S.V. Bakhrushina [Moscow Historical School in the First Half of the 20th Century: The Scientific Work of Yu.V. Got’e, S.B. Veselovsky, A.I. Yakovlev, and S.V. Bakhrushin], Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nestor-Istoriya Publ., 2012, 320 p. (in Russian). 4. Dubrovskiy A.M. S.V. Bakhrushin i ego vremya [S.V. Bakhrushin and His Time], Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1992, 165 p. (in Russian). | |
Acknowledgements |
Сведения об авторах Демьянов Кирилл Владимирович 1.1 Рыженко Валентина Георгиевна |
About the authors Demyanov Kirill V. 1.1 Ryzhenko Valentina G. |